Saturday, February 21, 2009

Follow the Coffee Addict on Twitter

For the longest time readers kept nagging about this thing called Twitter. I have been avoiding it because is sounded like another one of those trendy Internet time drains. Email, blogs, chat, RSS, Facebook... who has time to tune in to yet another stream of chatter?

However, there is nothing like Twitter. It is a web site where you can broadcast very short messages (maximum of 140 characters) to anyone who is signed up to receive them. It's like a cross between a blog and chat room. Your followers might include your friends from high school or if you're Barack Obama, over 250,000 of your most tech-savvy fans. (BTW he hasn't sent out a single Twitter message since taking office. Where are his priorities?)

Meanwhile, you sign up to receive the utterances of other people. Eventually, your screen fills with a scrolling display of their quips — jokes, recommended links, thoughts for the day, and a lot of “what I’m doing right now” stuff. For these reasons I invite you to follow me on Twitter. If you don't get any value from it, close its window and never come back and this is fine.

Twitter is precisely what you want it to be. It can be a business tool, a teenage time-killer, a research assistant, a news source — whatever. There are no rules, or at least none that apply equally well to everyone.

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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Free Starbucks Instant Coffee Sample!!!

Sign up to receive a COMPLIMENTARY SAMPLE and Starbucks Store newsletters here:


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Recession Perks Up Coffee Sales

Waterbury, Vermont - February 13, 2009

A Vermont coffee company is seeing a jolt, despite the slumping economy.

Green Mountain Coffee Roasters says its revenue is up 56 percent, according to its quarterly earnings. It also had a jump in profit of $.56 per share. By contrast, competitor Starbucks reported its quarterly revenue was down 6 percent.

The Waterbury-based company said coffee drinkers are not giving up their gourmet coffee habit, just finding more economical ways to get their fix.

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