Thursday, January 09, 2003

Caffeine: Good to the last drop, but is it good for you?

By Jamie Talan

Scientists have spent decades putting caffeine — the ingredient in coffee, tea and cola that delivers the buzz — under the microscope. And yet the studies keep coming, and yielding mixed results.


The Buzz on Fair Trade Coffee

Daily Encounters


Before college, I didn’t drink coffee. I found the brown brew to be an unconvincing substitute for the sweet creamy goodness of hot cocoa, which I drank by the quart. By October of freshman year, I was hooked on java, creating daily 30-ounce concoctions of freeze-dried instant coffee, powdered creamer and Sweet’n’ Low, made with my bathroom sink water and an illegal microwave. My freshmen roommates gagged in horror; in retrospect, I am surprised that I did not die from these mixtures.


Starbucks Does It Again

By LouAnn Lofton (TMF Lou2)
The Motley Fool
January 3, 2003

Like a kid buzzed out of his gourd on caffeine, Starbucks (Nasdaq: SBUX) just won't sit still.

Month after month, quarter after quarter, the coffee roaster, brewer, and seller meets the market head-on with outstanding results. It did so again late yesterday, with its December total and same-store sales results.


Monday, January 06, 2003

Coffee seedlings further diversify local ag industry (Hawai'i )

By Andrew Gomes
Advertiser Staff Writer

Seedling H99-74 could be one of the exciting developments for Hawai'i agriculture in 2003, possibly redefining one of the state's largest and oldest crops and helping fortify an often overlooked part of the local economy.

H99-74 is one of a dozen coffee plants selected by researchers and farmers who plan to introduce a coffee variety unique to Hawai'i.

"All of the varieties we use now come from somewhere else," said Robert Osgood, vice president of the Hawaii Agriculture Research Center. "No breeding has ever been done."

Osgood in early December helped select H99-74 (a cross between a favorite of Kona and a semi-dwarf Brazilian variety) and 11 other crosses for farmers to grow out early next year, then make further selections based on taste.


Sunday, January 05, 2003

A Daily Dose of Wisdom from the Rebbe

Already Heard

Along the journey to wisdom, you will pass a muddy river. It may appear a river of wisdom, but don't steer your boat towards it. Oh so many have turned to it and lost their way. In fact, it is a river of exile.

It is the river of "I have heard that already."

A Daily Dose of Wisdom from the Rebbe
-words and condensation by Tzvi Freeman

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