Thursday, November 15, 2007

We need a sanitary coffee cup lid

I don't consider myself overly concerned with germs and hygiene. I use public bathrooms, I drink from the glass instead of the straw, and I don't own a PDR.

What does bother me, however, is putting my mouth on a coffee cup lid that was just handled by someone I don't know. I don't know their medical history or their hygiene habits. When was the last time they washed the hands that were used to press on my cup lid? Did they follow the rule that is posted on the bathroom wall and wash afterwards? I just don't know and it bothers me.

We have so many conveniences that promote public health; many public restrooms along the highways, toilets and lavatories that are hands-free, even handy bottles and boxes of hand sanitizers. But we still put our mouths on a cup lid handled by someone else.

There must be a better way to apply a coffee cup lid by the person behind the counter, without having to use the hands.

Any suggestions??? Hit the Comments button and share your thoughts.



At 3:11 PM EST , Blogger Rochelle Hunter said...

automatic lid storage/placement mechanisms...

like a tube full of lids postitioned on a counter that you can push down on top of a coffee cup and it will put the lid on for you... not electric, maybe spring loaded? something you could buy for 15 or so dollars

At 6:12 PM EST , Blogger Robert said...

Good idea. There has to be a better way than present. How about the convenience store stack of lids? One person pulls off one and three stick together. He pulls one off and puts the others back on the stack. Where have HIS hands been?


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