Monday, June 11, 2007

Coffee's perk -- It's healthy

Erin Allday, Chronicle Staff Writer

Apparently it's harder to shake a bad reputation than a caffeine habit.

Even after decades of study suggesting coffee is not harmful, one of the world's favorite beverages remains much maligned, with people afraid that it may cause everything from cancer to heart disease and high blood pressure.

But according to research, coffee might actually have some health benefits, and it's one of the few drinks available these days that doesn't come loaded with sugar and calories. It might guard against gout, diabetes and Alzheimer's disease, and other health problems.

Just make sure you stay away from the Frappuccinos.

Of course, the scientists performing these studies might be a bit biased.

"I should probably mention that I start off every day with a double cappuccino," said Dr. Robert Rushakoff, an endocrinologist with UCSF.

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