Sunday, April 22, 2007

All about coffee

By: Codi Craddock, Features Editor
Angelo State University Ram Page

Coffee. Millions drink it everyday, but how many really know what they're drinking? People might be surprised if they did.

Coffee beans come from the Coffea genus. Within that genus are over 500 genera and 6,000 tropical trees and shrubs. Most cultivated coffee trees are short, but some can grow to over 30 feet. These trees are covered in dark, waxy green leaves with coffee cherries growing on the blossoms. The cherries actually contain the coffee beans inside them, two per fruit. Because this tree is in a continuous cycle, sometimes flowers, green fruit and ripe fruit will all be on the tree at the same time. Coffee trees generally flourish in regions of moderate sunshine and rain, mild temperatures and rich soil. Under the right conditions, these trees can live up to 30 years.

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