Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Dispelling the myths of coffee

The right way to start your day

Colin Kennedy

The Daily Evergreen

Published: 01/15/2008 00:00:00

The occasional stop at Starbucks or quick pick-up at The Daily Grind drive-thru may do more than settle that irresistible craving for a peppermint latte (which happens to be the greatest part of the winter next to the “Home Alone” soundtrack).

Coffee products often receive a bad rep as caffeine is an addictive drug with side effects from excess consumption that include increased blood pressure and nervousness. However, recent research suggests that coffee may offer abundant health benefits, ranging all the way from cancer prevention to decreased pain perception.

With all of the recent hype about the importance of consuming antioxidant-rich foods such as blueberries and green tea, coffee often slips under the radar for its powerful antioxidant properties. In fact, a 2005 University of Scranton study found that coffee is a primary source of these disease-preventing compounds.

According to Scranton professor Joe Vinson, the leading researcher of the study, “Americans get more of their antioxidants from coffee than any other dietary source. Nothing else comes close.” Additionally, according to WebMD.com, the antioxidants and magnesium in coffee may also contribute to a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. An antibacterial compound found in coffee may even aid in preventing tooth decay and cavities (although coffee does stain teeth).

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