Is Starbucks Kosher?
Halachic Musings - Director, Tiferet Chaya Program for Girls
By: Rabbi Yair Hoffman
Jews like coffee. The practice of Jews drinking coffee dates back well over a thousand years, since its exportation from the Arab city of Kefa. Its appearance in the responsa oeuvres of the Rishonim and Acharonim attests to the fact that it is a drink of Jews.1 The practice of coffee consumption continues until today with many Jews drinking coffee at that “cool” and “hip” number one coffee chain in America—Starbucks.
Enter the halachic component, however. Is every coffee in this store permitted? The stores are under no hashgachah. “But, it’s only coffee!” some protest. “What could be wrong with coffee?”
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Labels: Starbucks
Check out they have a comprehensive list of all kosher beverages in Starbucks.
Cool! is really great do you know who runs it?
I don't know the owner, but there is a contact link on the website.
I the guy who runs it. Orthodox guy lives in lakewood nj, hes reliable
ye the guy that runs it is toatally reliable i know him personally and that website is a great website, it is very clear
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