Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Going off the beaten track for seriously good coffee

By Cathrin Schaer
New Zealand Herald

Far from the civilised centres of High St and Ponsonby Rd, savages roam a wild and brutish landscape. They travel in Toyotas or other Asian imports, stopping only when their most primitive desires - or their hungry, bawling offspring - indicate they should. At which stage they'll consume small unhealthy parcels of pastry and meat, deep fried potatoes and fat soaked sea creatures. But what's worse, far worse, than their mindless ingestion of meat pies, fish and chips, in fact, what really indicates their barbaric state of being, is this; they drink filter coffee. From gas stations. In plastic cups.

Happily, for those who understand the civilising power of the espresso machine, a few hardy souls out there are trying to educate the heathen on the joys of a well-made flat white or double short black in a porcelain cup.


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