Coffee in the Desert
I just returned from a six month long, US Air Force all expenses paid vacation to the lovely nation of Saudi Arabia. We had it pretty easy compared to most and the only real complaint I had was being away from family. When I thought about why I was there, there were no longer any complaints. I had a roommate while there who is normally stationed out of Hawaii and what a great guy. He had one of his friends who is a coffee distributor send us pounds! of 100% pure Kona beans, Ethiopian Harrar, and some awesome Jamaica Blue Mountain.
It was really funny that we were in the middle of the desert enjoying some of the most expensive coffee in the world while we smoked Cuban cigars, I had a contact.
Thought you might enjoy that tale from the desert. Oh, we also had an espresso shop on base, Green Beans Coffee Inc., and when it temporarily closed during the war there was a definite hit to morale.
Take care and I am off to enjoy a nice hot cup of my Philippine Boraco coffee.
Coffee Loving Veteran
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