Friday, October 25, 2002 blog service gets hacked

Pyra sparked up its popular site after shutting it down earlier today in response to a hacker attack. The hack compromised individual accounts, locking out site users from their blogs.

Pyra has not yet determined when the hacker first got access to Blogger accounts, but the attack appeared to have started “early this morning,” Shellen said. Pyra took down the Blogger site at around 9 a.m. PT, and it was offline for about two and a half hours, he said. It was brought up at about 11:25 a.m.

Blogging, essentially the process of keeping an online journal of daily observations, has started to catch on with the mainstream. Celebrities, such as former Star Trek star Wil Wheaton, have their own blogs as well. Meanwhile, blogging has been the subject of a series of Doonesbury comic strips this week.


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